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Training Log Archive: slowrunner

In the 7 days ending May 29, 2010:

activity # timemileskm+m
  bike2 5:15:00
  single speed3 4:25:00
  trail running4 4:08:00 21.7(11:26) 34.92(7:06)
  strength training5 1:31:59
  Total7 15:19:59 21.7 34.92

» now

Saturday May 29, 2010 #

bike 2:30:00 [3]

took the giant into bolton for clients and crossfit.

strength training (crossfit) 20:50 [4]

cleans (95lbs) and pushups (150)

single speed 1:40:00 [3]

Friday May 28, 2010 #

trail running 53:00 [3] 5.0 mi (10:36 / mi)

hv with christine. little nicer temp than wednesday for sure.

strength training (crossfit) 15:54 [4]

Thursday May 27, 2010 #

strength training (crossfit) 20:15 [4]

power cleans (95lbs - woohoo) burpees, box jumps

Wednesday May 26, 2010 #

trail running 1:08:00 [3] 6.4 mi (10:37 / mi)

TC to top of field with christine. way too hot! soaked our legs in the humber afterwards.

single speed 30:00 [3]

over to see richard. thanks for the latte !!

Tuesday May 25, 2010 #

bike 1:25:00 [3]

rode the giant into bolton for crossfit

strength training (crossfit) 20:00 [4]

overhead squats 3 rep max. i suck at these so must practice. stoopid non-flexing hips.

bike 1:20:00 [3]

took the giant back into the gym for a client.

Monday May 24, 2010 #

trail running 1:24:00 [3] 6.5 mi (12:55 / mi)

through parts of hockley.

Sunday May 23, 2010 #

strength training (crossfit) 15:00 [3]

practicing pullups with dillon. managed 5 real ones.

trail running 43:00 [3] 3.8 mi (11:19 / mi)

humber valley. met up with the glp and heidi. whew - warm one today

single speed 2:15:00 [3]

rail trail to inglewood. met up with richard and barb and joined them for part of the ride back.

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