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MAD - Moraine Adventure Dash

Moraine State Park, PA, US
Jul 17, 2010

Type: Adventure Racing - Regional

event website

added by: sherpes

GR Racers,
MAD is approaching (next weekend!!) and there has been little "buzz" about this event. Registrations--outside of our series racers--are at an all time low. Most of the blame falls on us, as we have been extremely busy with our "real" jobs, so we want to do our best now to get everyone psyched for a great event. There are many changes to this years version of MAD, and the website is ripe with inaccuracies. Let us make the corrections now:

Start Location: This is correctly listed as Davis Hollow Marina. This Marina is located past the Lakeview Beach area (last year's start) and is the site of previous year's races. There will be signs guiding you to the start area.

Start Time: This year's race will start at 8:00 am--not 7:00am as listed on the website. 8:00 am should be early enough to beat the heat of the day. We hope that all racers will find this start time acceptable.

Race Format:
Swim-This year's race will include the possibility of swimming approximately one mile. The race course will provide you the option of cooling off and swimming across a cove, or continuing on foot and running approximately 3 additional miles. Racers that choose to swim will be required to wear a PFD. GRR will provide these to those racers that do not have their own. Racers are also permitted to use swim fins, swim paddles, swim masks/goggles, swim snorkles, and anything else that may make this leg of the race faster/easier. Racers will be required to carry this gear through the entire trek leg.
Bike-This year's race will include approximately 10 miles of biking on technical single track. Racers will be required to navigate this leg of the race, but the navigation will be simple with control points on trail intersections. This leg will be broken into two sections with a trek leg in between. Racers are permitted to provide staff with one gear bag and one gallon of water per team. This gear and water will be positioned at the bike drop and racers will have access to it before and after the trek leg of the race.
Run-This year's race will include 4-7 miles of running--depending on the option chosen to navigate Trout Cove. The terrain is technical, but navigation will again be simple with control points on trail intersections.

Event duration: Fast racers should expect to complete this course in approximately 3 hours. Slower racers will thoroughly enjoy all five hours that they will be spending on the course.
I disinctly hear the sound of eyes rolling, but you will just have to trust us on this one!

Race entry: Those racers that have not yet registered are encouraged to use the "mail-in" registration form attached to this email. This registration form does not reflect the price increase to $80 that both active and our website form state. If you choose this option, we request that you email us to confirm your intention to race. Simply download and fill out the registration form (it is a word document) and email to us as soon as possible. You can then either pay on race day or send a check to the address provided.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible next Saturday,
Frank and Bethann
Grass Roots Racing


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? sherpes

See also:

Jun 5, 2010NEOOC: Kendall Lake (CVNP)
Jun 19, 2010HVAC - The Hidden Valley Adventure Challenge
Jun 19, 2010ESAR Emergency Services Adventure Race
Jun 27, 2010NEOOC: FallsQuest (Bike-O, Foot-O)
Jul 18, 2010 CANCELLED NEOOC: Canoe-O
Aug 7–8, 2010Lionheart 25-hr adventure race
Aug 28, 2010NEOOC: South Chagrin
Aug 29, 2010WPOC - Stackhouse Park