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Spring Cup

Copenhagen, Denmark
Mar 26–28, 2010

Type: Orienteering - World

event website

added by: Focus


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81.5 ✓ cii00me9
56.8 ColmM (log) going to Portugal instead
✓ Runodk
✓ c.hill (log)
✓ matti. (log)
✓ thomasvdk (log)
✓ Ken_peeters (log)
✓ torbensfunk (log)
✓ imbjorgul (log)
✓ schnitzer (log)
✓ Thoto (log)
✓ forsbergskan (log)
✓ Joost (log)
✓ Hedis (log)
✓ pepa. (log)
? Orienteered Dont know if I can do this and Portugal....
? driesvdk (log)
Julia (old log) (log) clashes with JWOC Trials :(
lorrieq (log) Portugal
Krügerol (log) INJURED. DAMNIT
Mr O-memes
Desmond (log)

See also:

Feb 13–16, 2010Portugal 'O' Meeting ' 2010
Feb 19–21, 2010NAOM 2010
Mar 7, 2010Interland 2010
Apr 3–5, 2010Prague Easter
Apr 16, 2010NM natt (Norwegian Night Champs)
Apr 17–18, 2010German Champs Sprint + National Ranking Event
Apr 23, 2010SM Natt
Apr 24–25, 2010JJLVK - Jugend und Junioren Ländervergleichskampf
May 1–2, 2010Tiomila 2010
May 8–9, 2010Harvester relays