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Training Log Archive: Linear Ice

In the 7 days ending Feb 4, 2012:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Run6 7:12:00 33.1(13:03) 53.27(8:07)
  XC Ski2 2:36:12 4.78 7.69 53
  Total7 9:48:12 37.88 60.96 53
  [1-5]6 8:42:00

» now

Saturday Feb 4, 2012 #

Run (River road/coullee /ASP) 2:38:00 [3] 11.8 mi (13:23 / mi)
shoes: Asics2

Had to walk a lot (and slow at that!) up a lot of the bigger hills to keep my HR slow slow. Flat areas were decent though... faster than a shuffle.

Friday Feb 3, 2012 #

Run (River road) 42:00 [3] 3.1 mi (13:33 / mi)
shoes: Asics2

w Alice and Rita
more slow slow, even more so w Rita, little laggard.
I'm kind of liking this new routine.

I saw a guy roller skiing down Afton Blvd yesterday. Sad.

Wednesday Feb 1, 2012 #

Run (river road) 41:00 [3] 3.1 mi (13:14 / mi)
max:139 shoes: Icebug Acceleritas-L

w Alice
more low intensity

Tuesday Jan 31, 2012 #

Run (low HR) 1:10:00 [3] 5.0 mi (14:00 / mi)

I have three conference calls after 5 PM today... lasting until 9 PM.
I just got back from the 2nd...6-7:30 but we quit 15 minutes early.
Being a minor supporting character, I justified taking Alice for a low HR run, kept up a slow jog on flat streets, with minor walks when I was talking or where HR exceeded 139-- which isn't hard to do!
Sure made the call more enjoyable. And at the slow pace, i was able to fully participate (on mute mostly because the sound of the snow crunching was audible).

Monday Jan 30, 2012 #

Run (3M to Battle Creek ) 1:06:00 [3] 5.0 mi (13:12 / mi)
ahr:138 max:145 shoes: Icebug Acceleritas-L

Very low intensity run - of which I plan to do a lot more.
No idea how far I went, just going for low hr jog.

XC Ski (Green Acres) 1:30:00 [3]
shoes: Skate ski

Hills, hills.
V2s, V1s
Then a few of the lower loops with reasonable hills practicing hills, small turns, short flats and just putting things together.
By the end of the night, my arms were quite tired (probably partly from yesterday) and so that is a sign that I'm not crunching enough and relying on arm strength, of which I have very little.

Sunday Jan 29, 2012 #

Run (Coulee/River Road loop) 55:00 [3] 5.1 mi (10:47 / mi)
shoes: Icebug Acceleritas-L

w Alice
2 PM

XC Ski (Lake Elmo) 1:06:12 [0] 4.78 mi (13:51 / mi) +53m 13:24 / mi
shoes: Skate ski

A little skiing finally, outside of Green Acres! yippee.
Trail was nice, and I'm gaining confidence for sure. Small Ups/Downs, V1/V2/Open problem! (comparatively). Which is to say, that some of it is beginning to feel kind of normal. Second loop around, I fell four times, but all due to too aggressive vs. too tense (attacked a hill too hard and it hit back, fell on a bare spot, got my poles crossed into my skis, and got my skis crossed into my skis on a flat spot where I was feeling it.... and then suddenly not).
It's still a little too much mental effort to want to ski for more than an hour or so, but this was okay. I'm not exactly zooming, but I did expend a lot of energy.

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