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Training Log Archive: Gswede

In the 30 days ending Jun 30, 2017:

activity # timemileskm+mload
  Running29 18:14:45 127.91(8:34) 205.85(5:19) 9209c382.6
  Orienteering17 17:28:24 91.72(11:26) 147.6(7:06) 3396293c516.7
  Core O'Clock10 4:40:0075.5
  Supplementary Jog12 4:00:00 22.37(10:44) 36.0(6:40)60.0
  Cycling4 2:00:00 29.83(14.9/h) 48.0(24.0/h)27.0
  Total50 46:23:09 271.82 437.45 4316302c1061.8
averages - rhr:36

» now

Friday Jun 30, 2017 #

Event: WOC 2017

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

2 PM

Orienteering 12:56 [3] ** 3.2 km (4:02 / km) +55m 3:43 / km

Well even a pre-race mistake can take you out of the race. The only shoes I had for the sprint were racing flats that lacked the traction I needed when it started raining. No excuses though, I went out to run as fast as I could. I had few good spills and couldn't take the turns hard without going down. When Kris Jones caught me I stuck with him on the straights but lost time on the curves.

Not a super difficult race, which is normal for sprint qualifiers. 9-10 was the only route that I really screwed up. Everything was pretty clean, just slow and slippery.

The good news is that the nerves I had before the race are gone and I am very excited to attack the long. Training session for it tomorrow.

Running warm up/down 25:00 [3] 4.0 km (6:15 / km)

Thursday Jun 29, 2017 #

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Running 30:00 [3] 5.0 km (6:00 / km)

Sprint model event with Morten

Core O'Clock 20:00 [3]

40 pushups, 5xpedestal, 5 minute plank

Wednesday Jun 28, 2017 #

Running 28:00 [3] 5.0 km (5:36 / km)

11 AM

Running 12:37 [4] *** 2.58 km (4:54 / km) +25m 4:40 / km

A closed gate at the school before 6 cut the second interval short. 2 minute break between each. The "passable" fence before 11 was a rusty fence covered with barbed wire. In the race, I'd go over it. But I didn't feel like playing around with tetanus today. Top speed was 2:40/k, averaging 3:35 in the intervals. It felt good to get activated.

Tuesday Jun 27, 2017 #

Running 45:00 [3] 9.0 km (5:00 / km)

Easy day with 10x20/40s to get some speed.

Core O'Clock 30:00 [3]

100 pushups, 10xpedestal, 10 minute plank

Monday Jun 26, 2017 #

Running 45:00 [3] 8.0 km (5:38 / km)

Recovery day on the trails. Got stuck with a big translation project due on Wednesday, which is good because money is useful, but bad because I prefer to hang out with my o-friends. Sigh.

Sunday Jun 25, 2017 #

Running warm up/down 45:00 [3] 9.0 km (5:00 / km)

Running intervals 25:00 [5] 6.0 km (4:10 / km)

Sunday interval sesh

Workout was 4x1000@3:03-3:13 on 1:45 recovery jog, 2:45 jog, 2x400@ 71-74 on 1:45 jog

I put the paces on the slower side because it was on the same dirt road with the gentle, but existing, hills.


Saturday Jun 24, 2017 #

Running 50:00 [3] 9.0 km (5:33 / km) +100m 5:16 / km

Recovery day on the trails filled with race visualization

Core O'Clock 30:00 [2]

100 pushups, 10xpedestal, 10 minute plank, 20 pullups, 10 burpees

Friday Jun 23, 2017 #

Running warm up/down 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

10 AM

Orienteering 1:08:44 [4] *** 8.81 km (7:48 / km) +164m 7:08 / km

O-intervals with Sebastian. Crap route out of 18, got stuck in the green slash and struggle to get out. Apart from that it went really well.

Thursday Jun 22, 2017 #

Running 10:00 [2] 2.0 km (5:00 / km)

5 PM

Orienteering 1:17:28 [4] *** 10.78 km (7:11 / km) +282m 6:21 / km

Hard to believe, but the vegetation has gotten even worse. Open fields had grass up to my chest; light green had saplings full of leaves; and so forth. Very beautiful, but tough running. Good technical performance, just a few points that a control would have been helpful. Cut it short because WOC.

Wednesday Jun 21, 2017 #

Running 45:00 [3] 9.0 km (5:00 / km) +100m 4:44 / km

Originally had a Madsa classic on the schedule, but, after experiencing the state of my legs yesterday, I decided to take a recovery day and attack Madsa tomorrow. Two map sessions left. Legs felt great.

Core O'Clock 30:00 [3]

100 pushups, 10xpedestal, 10 minute plank, 20 pullups


So there's a mid-summer festival here in Otepää tomorrow and Friday down at Pühajärve, the town's lake.

There's a long line-up of artists, Swedes, Finns, and Estonians. Probably the most interesting act will be Tommy Cash, who is Estonia's current "rap sensation." This festival in Otepää will be his first appearance in Southern Estonia. Welcome to deep Estonian culture. Tommy Cash's hit song "Winaloto". Some NSFW images. Okay, maybe everything is NSFW.

Tuesday Jun 20, 2017 #

10 AM

Orienteering 44:41 [4] *** 6.17 km (7:15 / km) +130m 6:33 / km

Legs were surprisingly tired. Wasn't able to fight through the terrain as much. Focus was placed on reading the contours and using the compass accurately in the green. It worked pretty well. This is the same distance as the relay on one of the most relevant maps. So it'll be great to be rested, have controls, and be racing others.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Monday Jun 19, 2017 #

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [2] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Running 1:00:00 [3] 12.0 km (5:00 / km)

Recovery jog along the lake. Legs are pretty beat. Low mileage and high intensity from here to WOC except for one day.

Sunday Jun 18, 2017 #


Slept really poorly last night. It's amazing how much the lack of complete night affects my schedule. I've lived almost my entire life right around 40 degrees of latitude and it would seem that, for prolonged periods, that is where I'm most comfortable. No use lamenting it now, just got to get used it.
10 AM

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [2] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

5 PM

Running warm up/down 45:00 [3] 9.0 km (5:00 / km)

Jogging there and back.

Running intervals 24:15 [5] 6.0 km (4:03 / km)

Interval sesh next to the lake.

I scoped an unpaved road on my run yesterday that ran alongside the lake. I decided it'd be much better for intervals than the asphalt bike path. It was, but the footing was kinda crappy in a few spots and it did have more climb than I was expecting. No biggie. I just adjusted my pace range from 3:00-:10 to 3:03-:13 and, the same as last session, if I couldn't hit the pace on any of the intervals, I could take another minute of recovery jog.

So the session was 5x1k@3:03-:13 on 1:45 recovery jog (15 secs less than last week)

3:15 (took 2:45 after this)
6 PM

Core O'Clock 20:00 [2]

80 pushups, 10xpedestal, 5 minute plank, 20 pullups

Saturday Jun 17, 2017 #

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [2] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Running 1:00:00 [3] 13.0 km (4:37 / km)

Explored the other side of the lake. Beautiful trail network over there. Legs are starting to feel strong again.

Friday Jun 16, 2017 #

Core O'Clock 35:00 [2]

100 pushups, 20xpedestal, 10 minute plank, 20 pullups
8 AM

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [2] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

5 PM

Orienteering 1:04:42 [4] **** 8.66 km (7:28 / km) +135m 6:56 / km

Focused on going as straight as possible and fighting through green. Failed at 9 after losing focus past the path. But rather than continuing I stopped, jogged it out for a few minutes, and pushed the error out of my mind before starting anew. It worked.

The point of the session was to go straight and push through the green with confidence. Definitely achieved that goal. It was better to stop and regroup to make the training worth it. It's very difficult to maintain a high level of confidence without controls or streamers in such diffuse terrain; it'll be nice to have that type of confirmation.

Also got some great speedwork during my cooldown when I was chased by a dog through the woods. Why do I have such bad luck with dogs in the woods? Or good luck because I was really moving (3:20/k) and reading the map too!

Running 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Cycling 30:00 [2] 12.0 km (24.0 kph)

Thursday Jun 15, 2017 #

Cycling 30:00 [3] 12.0 km (24.0 kph)

9 AM

Orienteering 1:23:33 [3] *** 9.88 km (8:27 / km) +272m 7:26 / km

This course went pretty well except for three spots: the trails around six were all but gone, legs 8-9 and 9-10 were possibly the worst green I've seen yet in Estonia, and I didn't take the time to get back into the map after a nasty fall on the way to 13.

It took me 10 minutes to get from 8 to 10. I struggled in this terrain because it was super green, had been logged, and was quite diffuse. But I'm sure that we'll have legs like this in the long at some point. Going to analyze how I can attack it effectively.

I stopped at 15 because the point of this session was to get 70-85 minutes of long distance test time. If it were at any other point in the season, I would have loved to continue. But we're too close to WOC to overreach.

Still having trouble finding the physical intensity needed for this terrain. I suspect I need to continue focusing on recovery after the WC and Spanish training camp.

Will, when you read this, just know that you won today. But I'm not done yet.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Wednesday Jun 14, 2017 #

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [2] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Running 1:00:00 [3] 12.0 km (5:00 / km) +200m 4:37 / km

Exploring the complex and hilly trail network south of town.

Tuesday Jun 13, 2017 #

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Visualizing things. It's surprisingly difficult to stay focused in the morning.

Cycling 30:00 [2] 12.0 km (24.0 kph)

Riding out to the map and then back

Core O'Clock 35:00 [3]

100 pushups, 20xpedestal, 10 minute plank, 20 pullups
6 PM

Orienteering 47:07 [3] **** 6.55 km (7:11 / km) +145m 6:28 / km

Took a risky route that didn't pay off (5-6) and was beaten into submission again by the green. By 16 I had lost focus from frustration. Another relay test is coming later this week. Redemption.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Monday Jun 12, 2017 #

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Jogging the morning away.

(rest day)

Left achille's is a little sore from yesterday. So I decided to take a day for it and the rest of my body to recover. I've got some important sessions coming up this week. It's better to attack them enthusiastically.

Had a great chat with TG about my training and competing as an elite orienteer. One of the most helpful world champions I've ever met. Merci, dude!

Sunday Jun 11, 2017 #

8 AM

Running 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Morning jogging it out
10 AM

Running 24:53 [5] 6.0 km (4:09 / km) +70m 3:55 / km

Workout by the lake on the bike path there.

I don't particularly like doing workouts on asphalt so I'm going to continue looking for a relatively flat dirt road that I can easily get to.

Struggled to maintain the pace on the 4th k and my mind got to me on the final uphill and slowed a lot. Took an extra minute in the recovery jog to finish strong with confidence.

Workout was 5x1000 on 2 min recovery @ 3:00-:10

3:05 (Hit the lap button a bit late)

The Fenix 3 always adds about second to my times when I hit lap, which is annoying because it seems inaccurate. Perhaps not?

Running warm up/down 40:00 [3] 7.0 km (5:43 / km)

Jogging to the lake and back.
6 PM

Running 45:00 intensity: (40:00 @3) + (5:00 @5) 7.28 km (6:11 / km) +295m 5:09 / km

Yogging with some intense hills to get some Strava segments. Good place for hills...right next to a ski jump. Followed up with some intense 68° sauna with my host Timo.

Saturday Jun 10, 2017 #


Few people care about an athlete's feelings, they mostly care only about their results. But since this is my log, I'll express feelings from time to time.

Since the Finnish World Cup I've been feeling discouraged in terms of my ability to compete with the elite athletes over here. I see everyone's accomplishments here, and I find it difficult to see myself on that list.

So, instead of comparing externally, I returned to comparing with myself.

It is very encouraging to see the progress I've made just over the past years from the Flying Pig in 2015 (15th) and the Western Mass 5 Day in 2012 when I decided to return to elite orienteering to the Classic Champs and NAOC this past fall. I'm not at the top yet, and there are certainly going to be more disappointments than victories as I rise up, but I will not stop.

Ultimately, I don't want my journey to be self-serving, but rather I hope that my example can serve to inspire others to pursue their goals despite setbacks.

Now, let's go rock this Classic Distance in Madsa set by the always classy BigWillyStyle.

Cycling 30:00 [2] 12.0 km (24.0 kph)

A nice spin to the map and then back home.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

9 AM

Orienteering 1:25:14 [4] *** 12.5 km (6:49 / km) +331m 6:01 / km

Pretty solid effort. A few sub-optimal routes that cost me about 5-6 minutes total. For example, I avoided the swamp to 12 after having struggled through the swamp to 11 (I swung too far right though). And I probably should not have climbed on the way to 14. It turns out that swamp was very runnable and actually kinda pleasant. Still struggling to determine what factors make the swamps runnable.

Soaked my legs in the lake for about 10 minutes afterwards. Beautiful area.

Friday Jun 9, 2017 #

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Love me some energy column... in all seriousness starting the day with a 5 minute meditation sesh in nature is actually pretty sweet.

Running 1:00:00 [3] 12.0 km (5:00 / km) +50m 4:54 / km

Quads feeling pretty sore. Needed this easy day. Classic distance in Madsa tomorrow!

Core O'Clock 30:00 [3]

100 pushups, 20xpedestal, 10 minute plank, 20 pullups.
Followed by foam rolling my poor muscles.

Now back to practicing the intro to Despacito :)

Thursday Jun 8, 2017 #

9 AM

Orienteering 58:43 [3] *** 8.67 km (6:46 / km) +120m 6:20 / km

My watch wouldn't pick up the satellite signal at the start and the mosquitoes convinced me it wasn't worth waiting. Pretty good flow the whole time. I got a stick in my eye right after crossing the swamps before 18. It took me a few controls to recover my flow after that. Really fun with the rain.

Training group included Thierry, Tranchand, the Kempster, and Glibov (I have a problem with recognizing elite orienteers when they're not racing or preparing for a race. When they camouflage as civilians I struggle to recognize them, but pretty sure he was Glibov).

A really top-class crowd...and then Greg Ahlswede. Felt a little out of place, but I'm working on earning a spot there ;)

And now back to translating...

Wednesday Jun 7, 2017 #

8 AM

Orienteering 49:55 [3] **** 6.42 km (7:46 / km) +120m 7:07 / km

Legs were heavy again which didn't help to fight through the green. Still struggling to understand the mapper's idea of light and dark green. Compass and confidence continue to prove themselves as important tools in these woods. Time was running short so I cut off the last two controls.

Running warm up/down 25:00 [3] 4.0 km (6:15 / km)

7 PM

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Did the morning jog in the evening because of the morning training.

Found some pullup bars so I indulged myself in 20 pullups.

I also visited Otepää's
Energisammas, or Energy Column, their celebration of the existence of positive energy fields. Followed the instructions for meditation and continued. It'll be nice to go back to this.

Tuesday Jun 6, 2017 #


Resting heart rate in good shape. Just have a few kilos to lose.

Core O'Clock 30:00 [3]

100 pushups, 20xpedestal, 10 minute plank
8 AM

Supplementary Jog 20:00 [2] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

4 PM

Orienteering 41:30 [3] **** 5.69 km (7:17 / km) +116m 6:37 / km

80% effort. Aim was to move quicker and read everything at a faster pace. Pretty happy with my compass work from 14 to 15.

Running warm up/down 20:00 [3] 3.0 km (6:40 / km)

Monday Jun 5, 2017 #

Running 1:00:00 [3] 12.0 km (5:00 / km) +80m 4:50 / km

10x20/40s to inject some speed

Sunday Jun 4, 2017 #

10 AM

Orienteering 1:11:34 [3] *** 8.16 km (8:46 / km) +264m 7:33 / km

This training cycle has left my body about as strong as a cup of gas station coffee. Time for some rest before coming back into it.

Saturday Jun 3, 2017 #

11 AM

Orienteering 2:13:02 [4] **** 19.5 km (6:49 / km) +510m 6:02 / km

Left water and food on the road between 6 and 7 and 18 and 19. Skipped the butterfly because part of our group had to leave early. Jeep trails are generally crap and hardly visible. Same case for intermittent trails in dark green. Took a detour on my way to 20 because of a big dog and a homeowner enjoying the sun au naturel. I decided to give him his space.
8 PM

Orienteering 35:00 [3] **** 5.0 km (7:00 / km) +100m 6:22 / km

Return to Kirkukula. GPS didn't pick up a signal, so no Quickroute file.

Friday Jun 2, 2017 #

Core O'Clock 20:00 [3]

80 pushups, 20xpedestal, 5 minute plank.
10 AM

Orienteering 1:07:41 [4] **** 9.88 km (6:51 / km) +141m 6:24 / km

5 PM

Running 40:00 [3] 8.0 km (5:00 / km)

Thursday Jun 1, 2017 #

9 AM

Orienteering 1:24:30 [4] *** 12.81 km (6:36 / km) +450m 5:37 / km

Haanja route choice training. It's hard to tell when a marsh is actually crossable. I stopped for a minute on the hilltop after ten because I think it's either the highest point or one of the highest points in Estonia. Took in the scenery and then continued. After 11 I decided my body had had enough and called it a day.
3 PM

Orienteering 22:04 [5] *** 4.92 km (4:29 / km) +61m 4:14 / km

Sprint Intervals with mass starts at the triangle, 5, 11, and 16 (but everyone else stopped at 15).

Fun and fast to run with others, but the legs were at their limit on the final loop.

Running 30:00 [3] 5.0 km (6:00 / km)

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