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Training Log Archive: ndobbs

In the 7 days ending Oct 3, 2011:

activity # timemileskm+m
  trail run2 46:34 3.66(12:44) 5.88(7:55)
  orienteering1 4:03
  strength1 3:00
  Total4 53:37 3.66 5.88

» now

Monday Oct 3, 2011 #


Three people from work came out yesterday.

From a first-timer, sent to a second-timer:
"Oh, and thanks for a fun day of orienteering! I always wanted to try
running around in the woods off-trail and it's great to be able to do
it safely."
The other first-timer apparently had fun, but not ecstatic...

From 'chat' with the second-timer :

"was just laughing...imagining what a map might look like for a course in the saharan desert. or something like tht.
a lone tree, mirage (variable), contours (depends on the winds)..."

Re WOC Middle GPS replay:
"Oh its so cute to watch!
for some reason last time i could only see 2 at a time.
some of these guys got seriously lost!"
"poor WEN"
"you can learn something from watching these guys, to see how they nagivate the contours off trail"

Re "using" re-entrants/depressions at WOC: "what do you mean by "use" you mean just use them as landmarks? or actually just try to run into them even it is slightly off route"

Re photos:
"hilarious how people are racing with their reading glasses
love it"
"76 is funny too"
6 PM

trail run 20:54 [3] 3.03 km (6:54 / km)


Slept 3+2/8last night, so a bit mentally tired bc of that, but otherwise feeling fine.

Sunday Oct 2, 2011 #

orienteering race 4:03 [3]

Hudson Highlander 2011

Pictures, not really edited, if you want high res jpgs let me know.


Feints left:


... maybe the cadets were headed the right direction after all.

Saturday Oct 1, 2011 #


"Petites précisions

Il y a u 5 versions différents
1 la version originale après les relevée de terrain
2 la version après la demande des contrôleurs IOF des suppression automatiques
3 la version après des retouches et ‘simplifications’ devant l’ordinateur (demande des contrôleurs IOF)
4 la version après le passage des les deux cartographes suédois (impose par IOF) sur les carte de Longue finale et Middle finale
5 la version finale après mon passage derrière les suédois (demande de comité d’organisation et tache inclus aussi dans mon contrat)

Il a fallu beaucoup de diplomatie et de ténacité de la part de JDG et beaucoup de travaille en plus pour moi pour qu’on évite le pire (simplifications a l’aveugle et illogiques, dessins fantaisistes a la maison devant l’ordinateur, etc.…sur les ensembles des carte)

Si vous voulez mon avis, je préfère de loin la 5 eme version.

En tout cas, ça fait vraiment plaisir de voir comme les Suédois sache mettre en valeur le travaille de leurs cartographes et qui passe presque comme les sauveurs de ces Championnats après une bonne dizaines de jours passe sur le terrain…..

Vous pouvez demander aussi l’avis des traceurs qu’ils ont passe pas mal de temps sur les versions 1, 3,4 et 5"

Friday Sep 30, 2011 #

8 PM

trail run 25:40 [2] 2.86 km (8:59 / km)

Thursday Sep 29, 2011 #

strength 3:00 [3]

Packing boxes, moving boxes and furniture, driving U-Haul, packing then chucking stuff in 14ft U-Haul, smashing lamp, driving said stuff through a thunderstorm to Peekskill. Moving shtuff indoors. Not unpacking. Dinner in Ruben's, recommended.

Thankfully my name is not Ian so I had some lovely colleagues to help me out.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2011 #


Went to the doc today, just 'cause she's in Rye which is a long way from Peekskill. She said she had run out of ideas, unless possibly sleep apnea, but she didn't think that likely. Nothing surprising, but wanted to check in.

Then dropped a couple of boxes of clothes and shoes and stuff up to Peekskill, primarily so as I can reuse the boxes. Hopefully everything will be spick and span when the bulk of the stuff arrives tomorrow.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2011 #


Lots of time in bed the last two nights, still tired today. Hmm.


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