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Training Log Archive: billh

In the 7 days ending Jan 21, 2017:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Walk/Run5 4:00:00 15.62(15:22) 25.14(9:33)
  Strength2 1:10:00
  Total7 5:10:00 15.62 25.14
averages - weight:215.4lbs

» now

Saturday Jan 21, 2017 #

6 AM

(rest day)

"rest day" if you call waking up at 6:30am . . . rushing to metrolink . . . cramming shoulder to shoulder and butt to butt with thousands of my beloved fellow citizens . . . standing around for hours . . . shuffling down Market Street in a moving mass of 10K people . . . chanting at the top of my lungs . . . losing my voice . . . letting train after packed train pass by . . . calling for the wife to pickup at the station . . . collapsing in bed after 8 hours . . . and loving every minute of it . . . a "rest day", then it was a great day.

Friday Jan 20, 2017 #

8 AM

Walk/Run 55:00 [1] 3.5 mi (15:43 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR (purple)

walk/ jog to metro via Moss . . . which takes a little longer, because I STILL missed the train by 3 min in spite of leaving earlier, argh. just wanted to mix up the run a bit, getting tired of cutting through Blackburn.

ps--started taking Creatine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine on the advice of Precision Nutrition, listed as two of the four "essential" supps for men over 50, huh, well, certainly gives me "the runs" for sure. :)

Thursday Jan 19, 2017 #

8 AM

Walk/Run 20:00 [1] 1.32 mi (15:09 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR (purple)

neighborhood shakeout run, decided not to try the "hybrid commute" on this rainy morning, not wanting to get lost on a new route, but will work out those between metrolink station jogs as future options to mixup the run routine.

ps--really loving these soggy, boggy, misty, rainy, grey morning runs, so refreshing . . . I pretend I'm in Seattle. I WISH I were in Seattle . . .
6 PM

Strength 1:00:00 [4]

Hub team plyo workout at SMTC . . . it was hard.

Wednesday Jan 18, 2017 #

8 AM

Walk/Run 55:00 [1] 3.5 mi (15:43 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR (purple)

just missed the 8:15 train but got the 8:27 . . . stopped by the mini-mart for agua . . . so feeling more like a routine. man, I hope I don't stink too much on the train, haha! Sorry people. :)
7 PM

Strength 10:00 [2]

Bulgarian warmup since I took the bus home . . . this is an empty (45 lb) bar warmup I learned from a competitive Olympic lifter . . . done consecutively without putting down the bar, 8x per lift

Romanian DL
Shrugs (below knee)
Cleans (below knee)
Front Squat
Front Press
Overhead Squat
Good Mornings
Back Press
Back Squat
Drop Squat



have to note that the "Bulgarian warmup" seemed much much easier with an extra 20 lb of bulk, like throwing a toy bar around. much easier than when I was at running race weight. I can see why lifters bulk up, must have some extra muscle in addition to all the extra body fat. well, if running doesn't work out, I can always become a crossfit dude and compete in those ridiculous crossfit strength games, carrying bags of sand around, throwing beer kegs, etc, whatever they do. those bulky dudes can run 6:00 miles, so I can't talk.
8 PM


need the car tomorrow pm to go to SMTC for the Hub team plyo workout, so to get in a morning jog, plan to drive to Sunnen Metro, park the car, jog to Brentwood, about 2.67 M, then take the train in. Then in the PM, take the train all the way to Sunnen to pick up the car.

Tuesday Jan 17, 2017 #

8 AM

Walk/Run 50:00 [1] 3.5 mi (14:17 / mi)
shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR (purple)

walk/ jog to Metro . . . missed the train by 3 minutes . . . gotta adjust to slower walk/ run.

Monday Jan 16, 2017 #

12 PM

Walk/Run 1:00:00 [1] 3.8 mi (15:47 / mi)
weight:215.4lbs shoes: Hoka Challenger ATR (purple)

back at it after a long, looooong layoff. this is the first day of Precision Nutrition online coaching so thought I'd start back logging my miles. I'd like to call this base training but since I'm not able to run continuously for 3M, it's probably more "pre-base" readiness training. Well, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so they say.

I want get ready for another attempt at the Stl Senior Games 1500 in June but even that might be too soon. Last years 6:01 set me back mentally so have to get my mental game together and expectations in line. The main focus is on eating and nutrition and of course body weight as an outcome to proper eating. Hopefully, PN will help with that. Meanwhile, I'm committed to a jog->Metrolink commute 5 days per week just to keep moving. Not really focusing on time, walking when I have to. Just more feeling my body right now.

Today, a nice "Random Neighborhood Run" which took me to Moss Field, checked out the new surface, then around Blackburn and through Edgar Rd schoolyard. Nice rainy, misty, cool refreshing run, felt good. Hopefully, good things to come.

The good news, is that I'm completely injury and pain free so that is something positive, want to keep it that way. No intention of any kind of speed work for quite awhile.

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