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Training Log Archive: Sebba

In the 31 days ending May 31, 2007:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Running14 27:28:40 25.72 41.4 1000
  Cycling5 6:43:00
  Netball4 1:50:00
  Multisport1 1:36:00
  Kayaking2 1:15:00
  Orienteering1 52:09
  Total20 39:44:49 25.72 41.4 1000

» now

Thursday May 31, 2007 #

Running 50:00 [3]

lunchtime run from uni.

Tuesday May 29, 2007 #

Running 42:00 [3]

run up round red hill to clear the head. coming into that shitty pre exam time when you realise what a bludger uve been and are gonna need to do something about it before the fluff starts falling o/w things could turn ugly!

felt really good after the weekend

Netball 30:00 [3]

good game, good team work and a great big win tonight 30-12 i think

Sunday May 27, 2007 #

Running 15:00:00 [3]
shoes: Cascadias

ACT rogaining champs. course was in Wadbilliga NP and Badga state forest....Big badga was not far of the NW side of the map.
shit, some pretty tough, scenic and soul destroying country. was hoping that the entire area wasnt like what i remember of badga....unfortunately it mostly was. lots of thick, shitty, dense and steep forest, making for slow going, fuck ups and plenty of scratched limbs.

raced with a uni mate bart, was his 1st 24. we had a no running (except trails), didnt need it cos you couldnt really run anyway. had a reasonably good arvo. lost time on long steep diagonal downhill leg. spent 45mins trying to get through 8ft high heath just before dark, gave us the shits massively.
i fucked up pretty bad round 745, so we went soft and headed back across the tuross river into the farmland and back to HH. massive dinner, had a good 6hrs sleep and went out again at 5am. did a northern loop way way (comparatively) friendlier terrain. i stuffed a vague 80 pointer just before sunrise but apart from that had no more problems.
bart was pretty shagged in the last 2.5 hrs so i think sleep was a good op in hindsight. scored OK, got a similar total to lots of teams who stayed out.....given it was about -1 deg i think we did it the easy way.
fun weekend

Thursday May 24, 2007 #

Running 50:00 [3]

was gonna ride over to lake ginners for ABS fun run but was such a nice day and i had so little to do i decided to run it instead. csiro, round black mt, ran on the bruce ridge single tracks for a bit, AIS, UC, lake.

Running race 30:30 [3] 7.3 km (4:11 / km)

hadnt decided if i even wanted to run this. thought about running some intervals instead but there was such a good turn out it would be fun.

started well within myself and cranked it up a bit in the last few k. pretty happy with run considering being a bit tired at the start from run beforehand

Wednesday May 23, 2007 #

Cycling 1:15:00 [3]

morning cruise wid kez. round the lake out to mt pleasant, few cruisey reps and then into gus's for the cin toast.....was pleasant. as kez put it we were really just riding to the cafe.

Tuesday May 22, 2007 #

Running intervals 20:00 [3]
shoes: 2110s

bilbies.....and friggin cold, wasnt real psyched bout this one. legs still feel like shite from sunday, all tight, stiff and grant denyer would say....they 'feel like theyve been fucked by a black man'.

ints were real disorganised tonight. the dude laid out a course and decided the session as he went.

Running warm up/down 40:00 [3]

random no interval bilbies stuff, warm up, run thrus, recovery, warm down

Netball 30:00 [3]
shoes: 2110s

got done pretty good tonight

Sunday May 20, 2007 #

Running race 1:19:46 [3] 13.0 km (6:08 / km) +1000m 4:26 / km
shoes: Cascadias

ACT mt running race on Rob Roy.

legs felt really tight after orienteering yesterday, so i just hoped they would loosen up thu the run. course was an out and back to just past the summit. hurt early on the hills but found a good rhythm and just tapped away.

awesome day and amazing views over the berra and the brindies. even won a block of toblerone for being the youngest competitor, clearly mt running is a sport for the more 'life experienced'

Cycling 1:45:00 [1]

nth side ride with pappa. pretty relaxed. calves felt tight like a tiger after this morning so was nice to loosen em out

Saturday May 19, 2007 #

Orienteering race 32:09 [3]
shoes: Neptunes

sat o at aranda hill. feels like ages since ive orienteered, so thought id get out for a run today.
debuted the neptunes, really enjoyed them. lots of soft and slippery shit around and loved having the low profile and extra grip with the spikes.....conclusion....absulute bargain for $30US!

bit of a messy run actually, poor control flow and undulations really hurt me

Orienteering warm up/down 20:00 [3]
shoes: Neptunes

was planning a longer warm down up towards mt (hill craney?) painter. pretty chilly out and the warmth of the puffy jacked was too tempting in the end

Thursday May 17, 2007 #

Running intervals 21:00 [3]

ints on north oval.

ran a pyramid session of 1,2,3,3,2,1 laps hard with 1 lap recovery between each.
lap is a shade under 500m

1.46, 3.25, 5.06, 5.12, 3.21, 1.31

bit erratic but was feeling pretty shagged early on, was good to finish strong

Running warm up/down 25:00 [3]

warm up to/from oval and recovery b/w ints.

done shit all this week due to too trying to fit too much into my life. feel like i have recovered quite well from the 1/2 last weekend.

Monday May 14, 2007 #

Running 28:00 [3]

cruisey recovery run after the thong.
didnt get out till 7pm after a long day (by my relatively modest standards), so was pretty sluggish. nice to stretch the legs and felt good towards the end.

runs like this probably shouldnt be logged but sessions like this realy help speed up my recovery so i feel its justifiable

Sunday May 13, 2007 #

Running race (canberra 1/2 'thong) 1:34:00 [3] 21.1 km (4:27 / km)

not the time i was hoping for but a reasonably solid run in all fairness. had 90 in mind but dont really think i had the form to run that and never really got on that pace.
found a good rhythm and went thru 10km in 43.40 or so, bit under 44 as planned. only prob was i was hoping to feel a bit fresher at this point than i did today. starting pushing solidly thru the 2nd 1/2 picking up a few places on the way. was thinking high 92s would be finish time, alas started my sprint finish a bit early and in the last km had gone into the red a bit too far, the big man was nealy down on all 4s trying to crawl home. anyway i think that km took me nearly 6mins,haha. not sure of final time as clock wasnt working and forgot to stop watch.

good hit out and overall pretty pleasing.
decent group of orienteers out there too. good on jase for his blinder....he looked like a man on a mission out there!

Saturday May 12, 2007 #

Cycling (MTB) 58:00 [3]

got me bike back with a collection of new bits on it!! as a result its going better than it has for ages.

really wanted to go to majura but decided just to cruise round red hill and rest for 2moro

Thursday May 10, 2007 #

Running intervals 19:00 [3]

ran hugh fords ints on north oval today. session was 4X 4laps on 1 off. 4 laps was around 1800m i think. planned to do 3 sets but only did 2 and a half, started a bit fast i think.

6.46, 7.00, 3.32(only 2 laps).

pretty humbling experience with guys like marty dent dunning round the oval doing 4 laps barely slower than im doing 3.

will be running the half thong on sunday so will start taking it easy now.

Running warm up/down 45:00 [3]

long warm up, float lap b/w reps and warm down

Wednesday May 9, 2007 #

Cycling 1:30:00 [3]

southside with kezza. cracked the winter booties today!

Tuesday May 8, 2007 #

Running intervals 18:00 [3]

bilbies ints
6x3mins on 90sec

Running warm up/down 50:00 [3]

ride over, warm up, drills, run thrus, rest b/w ints, warm down

Netball 25:00 [3]

got a tie in the end, bit of an up and down old game

Sunday May 6, 2007 #

Multisport 1:36:00 [4]

multi sport race out at gunghalin. nice, but interesting day out. cracker canberra sunny day

finished 1st 4km run bout 2mins of leader in about 4th or 5th. had decided to play it safe and use my slow and stable boat rather than gamble on the surf ski. really worked myself paddling but managed to get thru that only loosing about 12mins maybe to the leader. started out and back mtb in mulligans/goorooyaroo mtb in about 9th i think. rode hard and had got up to 3rd and 4th rider by the turn around.

overtook the tired looking 4th dude on the first hill coming back from horse park drive. unfortunately heard a clicking sound, thought it must have just been a gear playing up (as they always do on my bike)......then BANG! cage must have caught spokes, snapped my chain and cold broke my rear d in half......shit!!!! never seen something like that happen, i mean this thing was totally fucked.
alas, i had left the spare chain and rear derailler at home and suspected most other competitors had too. luckily i could just roll back down to the turnaround and hitch a lift back to the lake.

really disappointing, was feeling super strong and ready to flog the last 40mins.

current bike situation:
no chain
no rear disc pads, cable needing bleeding
rear d in 3 pieces
solidly worn cassette and chain rings
could be few parts being ordered this week, hehe

Running warm up/down 16:00 [3]

after getting back to yerrabi pond i just cruised the last leg a run round the lake. was fun encouraging some runners home too.

Saturday May 5, 2007 #

Kayaking 45:00 [3]

had another crack at the surf ski. was much better today, only swam 3 times!!
still cant decide whether to give it a go 2moz. i was going well when it was calm 2day but really struggled with any sort of cross wind.

Cycling 1:15:00 [3]

had to pick up some smelly clothes from uni so combined it with a cruisey lap of the lake. nice arvo

Friday May 4, 2007 #

Kayaking 30:00 [3]

i should really log this session as swimming. i'm doing a little multisport race on sunday and rather than paddling my bathtub for 5km im borrowing a surf ski from a friend. decided i should see how it goes......bit flippier than i expected....and the LBG water is a fair bit colder than i thought it would be as well.....a warm shower has never seemed so inviting.

Thursday May 3, 2007 #

Running 55:00 [3]

lunchtime jaunt up black mt. ran thru csiro, thru botanic gardens. couldnt find a gate to exit so just crawled under the fence, past the water tower then ran the loop trail right round the north of the mt to the top carpark. up the the summit then back down to the pickle. felt good after nothing yesterday.

Tuesday May 1, 2007 #

Running 15:24 [3]

Mt Ainslie Run up.
hadnt done this run for prolly a year or so. ran pretty steady cos i knew the legs would struggle on the steeper sections. pretty happy with a 45sec pb but can definately go faster if fresher.

Running warm up/down 50:00 [3]

ran over from uni after deciding to skip class in favour of a run on a lovely day. includes run down from the summit and longer way back to uni.
ran into craney on campus after getting some secret sprint training in....good thing he had a crap old map missing lots of corrections.

Netball 25:00 [3]

good game tonight.
we wanted to drop down a div but they said we scored too many goals.....bugger!

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