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Training Log Archive: Flakey

In the 7 days ending Jul 4, 2015:

activity # timemileskm+m
  Orienteering2 3:54:00 8.7(26:54) 14.0(16:43) 300
  Dryland (Speed Skating)1 1:17:15 3.48(22:12) 5.6(13:48)
  Cycling1 1:06:18 16.85(15.2/h) 27.11(24.5/h) 15
  Total4 6:17:33 29.02(13:00) 46.71(8:05) 315
averages - rhr:77

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Saturday Jul 4, 2015 #

1 PM

Orienteering race 2:54:00 [5] 9.0 km (19:20 / km) +300m 16:34 / km
ahr:148 max:157 rhr:78 shoes: VJ Falcons

Holy s**t. Easily, the most challenging race I have ever done up to this point. It was seven kilometers with long legs, tonnes of climb, confusing terrain, etc. With maybe only four hours of sleep the previous night, I didn't have very much energy even at the beginning. I probably walked at least half of it. I kept on zoning out and forgetting where I was going because I was so tired. Despite the length of time it took me, it didn't feel like a terrible race. Considering it was my first orienteering race in three months in unfamiliar terrain, I think I did alright. I placed at the bottom of the pack, but I was so happy to simply have finished the race. I didn't think I could do it. Mom and Dad were surprised I didn't quit. Anyway, I'm told that the terrain today was the most challenging of all the locations so I'm glad the worst is behind me.

Friday Jul 3, 2015 #

12 PM

Orienteering 1:00:00 [2] 5.0 km (12:00 / km)

Dad, Mom, and I decided to do a practice course to get used to the terrain. We took terns leading. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but required more concentration to navigate through. I'm feeling pretty confident about tomorrow.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2015 #

6 PM

Dryland (Speed Skating) 1:17:15 [3] 5.6 km (13:48 / km)
ahr:152 max:171 rhr:92

Last dryland session before Europe. We did suicides. Six cones set up in a line. Sprint to the first, walk back. Sprint to the second, walk back. We did variations of this. Today and tomorrow made me realize that I need to work on maintaining intensity while exercising (pretty basic concept, I know). Looking forward to racing in Norway!

Monday Jun 29, 2015 #

5 PM

Cycling tempo 1:06:18 [3] 27.11 km (24.5 kph) +15m
ahr:162 max:182 rhr:60

Last bike ride before trip to Europe. Did the south route around the airport. Started off at a decent pace. Had some trouble maintaining the intensity. Near the end off the the ride, I began to really slow down and stomach began to hurt. I tried to do some core when I got home. Let's just say I need to do core more often. Felt pretty tired for the rest of the evening. I probably need more sleep as well.

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